Cloud Security

As organizations continue to increase their adoption of cloud service providers (CSPs), they face multiple challenges with integration, configuration, compliance, and sufficient auditing of their cloud deployments.

Cloud security assessments help organizations proactively identify potential vulnerabilities and enhancement opportunities within their cloud infrastructure and supporting processes to help address these evolving challenges.

Like cloud environments, assessments and assessors can vary greatly. Having a trusted, and experienced cybersecurity partner can make all the difference when it comes to identifying pragmatic ways to address risks to your specific cloud environment. Leveraging its extensive experience in deploying and securing cloud services, SEVN-X helps its customers achieve better security through a multi-faceted approach consisting of:


SEVN-X will meet with project sponsors and key stakeholders to understand current and desired security state, goals, and priorities.


Not all services are secure by default, prompting a need to review default and configured service settings for misconfigurations—the biggest weakness facing organizations in the cloud.


SEVN-X reviews current architecture, cloud integrations, and third-party services to create comprehensive documentation.

Logging and Monitoring

Review of audit and logging in cloud infrastructures ensures proper security monitoring, alerting, and audit capabilities are accounted for in your security blueprint.

Secure Your Cloud Environment