Application Security

Application security provides business leaders with long term and tactical support in governing security in an application’s lifecycle.

We work with you to design, assess and enhance the security of the application and products. Our methodology differs from most as SEVN-X works from the ground up and the top down to discover flaws and weaknesses and correct systemically and with necessary depth in each layer.

Things to consider:

Our preferred approach, while not needed in every situation, is a thorough analysis of components, controls, zero trust, architecture, code, logging and monitoring, technical testing, adversarial testing along with the deep knowledge of development pipeline security and release security.

  • Are you seeing an increase in security events in your applications?

  • Are your APIs exposed directly to business partners, customers, or open to the internet?

  • Do you have vendors write your web, api, or mobile applications and don’t review their security?


There are many standards, including NIST and Community driven (Open Source), but all give a sense of purpose of a significant need to secure products, IoT (Internet of Things) and applications.

Standards covering system design, open-source standards, zero trust, architecture, medical device standards, mobile, SCADA, cloud, containers and more push against the ability to deploy applications quickly to meet the needs of business.

While there is value in choosing aspects of the full application service lifecycle, each component provides value within itself. For example, adversarial testing from a blind perspective (which we do), can expose unknown weaknesses over multiple tests taking time to discover the full exposure.

An OpenSAMM or Software Security Lifecycle Benchmark, is a great way to get a light touch on the needs of the security in the development lifecycle. If you have never done a mobile penetration test or api test, this has become a major compromise point and should be reviewed.


SEVN-X AppSec resources have worked with the global medical device manufacturers, ODM network device manufacturers, lodging, SaaS financial applications, and internal custom desktop applications providing tactical and strategic remediation in order to manage customer and government mandates. This service draws from many different areas of cybersecurity in order to achieve better cybersecurity.

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